Level 5 Jumpers | A-Rated Hunters | FEI 2*
Discover the ultimate competition experience at TerraNova Equestrian Center, Florida's premier equestrian destination. Featuring luxury facilities, world-class competitions, and a convenient calendar to complement your winter season, TerraNova is the perfect oasis for horses and riders alike. Join us for the TerraNova Winter Series, four weeks of A-Rated, Level 5, CSI 2* hunter/jumper competition from February 14-18. February 21-25, March 13-17 and March 20-14.
$65,000 1.45m CSI2* FEI Grand Prix – Saturday AM (C Ranking)
$32,000 1.45m CSI2* FEI Speed Welcome - Friday PM (D Ranking)
$20,000 1.35m National Prix directly following FEI GP (Open to everyone, including FEI horses)
All Jumper levels, beginning with X-Rail Jumpers
.60m, .70m, .80m Mini Prix
All Junior/Amateur Jumper divisions and classics
$5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
All “National” Hunter and Equitation Levels beginning with Walk-Trot Poles
31625 Clay Gully Rd
Myakka City