Monday, October 16, 2023 - Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Monty Roberts Introductory Course of Horsemanship – Modular Format
The Introductory Course of Horsemanship is the first step to gaining an in-depth understanding of Monty Roberts’ concepts. The modular format is suitable for students of any age (16+), and all levels of equine experience (your instructor will pair you with horses and tasks suited to your abilities).
In the new, modular format, the course is broken up into 4 x 3-day parts which can be taken in any order at your convenience*.
Module 1: First Steps to Monty Roberts’ Methods
This module introduces you to Equus – the horses’ natural communication system, and how using Equus can build a willing, non-violent partnership with your horse. It also focuses on effective use of the Dually® Halter – how timing and consistency are key to improving your ground- and ridden- work.
Through demonstrations, practical sessions, and classroom discussions you will gain insight into the psychology and physiology of the horse, and hands-on experience to improve the relationship with your horse(s) at home.
901 E Highway 246
(805) 688-6288

(805) 688-6288